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About, IIPPT EcoleSupérieure 25 Oct 2023

About Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon

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In 2002, France’s Loi de Modernisation Sociale (Law of Social Modernization) of 17 January 2002 specifically authorized universities and other “établissements d’enseignement supérieurs” (higher education institutions) to grant degrees based entirely on an assessment of the candidate’s work experience. The process is known in French as Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE). The VAE has since been incorporated into the French Code of Education (Legislative Part, Third Part, Book VI, Title I, Chapter III, Section 2, Art. L613-3 to L613-6.) It is important to note that Art L613-4 states: “The validation produces the same effects as the knowledge or aptitude testing process that it replaces.” Moreover, the academic titles granted through VAE are identical to those gained by conventional study.

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What is VAE?

Accreditation for work experience, that can count towards a qualification/ Degree.

The VAE or Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience is a procedure for the recognition of prior learning that allows any French educational institution to grant degrees partly or completely based on work experience. A portfolio of the applicant’s achievements and work experience is presented to a committee (Jury) at the educational institution. The committee will then decide if the documents presented in the portfolio show work that merits partial credit towards a particular degree. The integrity of the vetting procedure is down to individual institutions, however, to produce a false document in support of an application is a felony punished by a large fine and up to three years in jail in France.


A French law, passed August 23, 1985, allowed people with work experience to ask for a Diploma equivalence, but this was mostly for vocational degrees. A significant change came with the Loi de Modernisation Sociale (Law of Social Modernization) dated January 17, 2002, that specifically authorized universities and other “établissements d’Enseignement supérieurs” (higher education institutions) to grant standard degrees.

  • The Diploma of Advanced Technician, named “Brevet de technicien supérieur” (BTS
  • Diplôme d’études universitaires générales. This is a primary qualification taken after 2 years of university (DEUG)
  • BA or similar undergraduate Degree in french studies (Licence)
  • Masters Degree (Maîtrise/ Mastaire/ Master)Copywriting
  • French post graduate degree or equivalent (DESS)
  • Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy; an advanced university degree (Doctorat)
  • Based only on the work experience of the candidate. The required minimum of work experience was also lowered from five to three years.

Legal Status

The VAE is now included in the French Code of Education at Part legislative, Third part, Book VI, Title Ier, Chapter III, Section 2, Art. L613-3 to L613-6. It is important to note that Art L- 613-4 states: “The validation produces the same effects as the knowledge or aptitude testing process that it replaces. The degrees and diplomas obtained through the VAE process are exactly the same.


VAE is now law and all French universities must apply it if asked. In 2005, 21,379 students applied for the VAE. Among those, 10% received a degree equivalent or superior to the bachelor’s degree. More than 1250 bachelor’s or higher degrees were granted through the VAE in 2005 in France.
In France the VAE is, according to the government website, in full expansion and universally accepted. Internationally, the countries that ratified the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region recognize it. In the US, credentials evaluators, universities, federal and state governments also recognize the VAE degrees with the notable exception of the state of Oregon.


VAE is now law and all French universities must apply it if asked. In 2005, 21,379 students applied for the VAE. Among those, 10% received a degree equivalent or superior to the bachelor’s degree. More than 1250 bachelor’s or higher degrees were granted through the VAE in 2005 in France.
In France the VAE is, according to the government website, in full expansion and universally accepted. Internationally, the countries that ratified the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region recognize it. In the US, credentials evaluators, universities, federal and state governments also recognize the VAE degrees with the notable exception of the state of Oregon.


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