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About, IIPPT EcoleSupérieure 25 Oct 2023

About Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon

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Non profit French(Loi de 1901)private institution of higher education according to the articles L731-1to17of the code de l’education.It is registered under the # 0862003720 as an “establishment d’enseignement superieur prive” and authorized to grant degrees under article L-731-14,with publication in the Journal Officiel de la Reublique Francaise under #20040039-1669.It has the SIREN # 478817059 and has a TVA(tax)exemption as per article 44-2 CGI as a French Institution of Higher Education. French authorities granted the R “Marque de Service” to ESRDS from November8,2013

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About VAE Law(Validation des Acquis de/’Experience)

Legal text creating the VAE that authorizes public universities to grant regular French degrees based on work/lifeexperience. Here is the important article L-355 of the French code de I’education,stating that a VAE procedure is equivalent to any “regular procedure”. The degree carries exactly the same name , the VAE is only a procedure to obtain it.

About IIPPT Ecolesuperieure Faculty

De VAE juries are made of University Rectors,Head of Departments, and University Professors that hold Ph.D.degrees from universities like Prince to nand Yale in the USA,University de Paris ,Paris II,Paris Ill,Paris IV,Paris V, Paris VI, Paris VII and Paris X in France.

About the Integrity of IIPPT Ecolesuperieure Process

The degree that the Ecole Superieure Robert ®may grant is a”diplome d’ensiegnement Superieur Prive” franccais as per Title-IIIBook IV of the code of education of the French Republic.

ESRDS expect total integrity from its students and the Jury may check,with the issuing sources,the documents presented to the VAE and the identity of the applicant.To produce a false document is a felony punishable by a large fine and upto three years in jail in France as per Article 441 of the French Code Penal.

International Recognition

European and Mediterranean Countries :The Lisbon Conventionon Recognitionon its article IV. 8 recognises the UAE. This convention was rectified by 45 states member of the European Council plus Australia, Balarus ,Israel, Kvatican, Kazakhstan, Kyrghyztan and New Zealand.

USA and Canada: ESRDS can provide for other countries for 100 Euro fee an Apostille certification for the participants of the Hague Convention.For other countries you en ask the French Embassy or your Embassy in France for certification. will provide all support and confirmation. Degree from ESRDS are recognised by credential evaluators for Immigration licensing,job search and university admissions into the USA andCanada.


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